Friday, 11 January 2008

Ditch the Bike


As much as I love cycling, come winter I like to do other things to keep the fitness up and get "out there". One of these is hiking. Now before all you hardened cyclists scoff, heading for the hills and mountains on foot can provide you with a real workout! When I say hiking, I'm not talking about ambling along Ramblers Association stylee. No, the walking I have in mind is fast and furious (well, perhaps just mildly annoyed). 4 to 5mph up hill and down dale. Essentially, marching. And if you're feeling good, occasionally breaking into a trot; speed-marching. The former will get you fit, the latter very. If you've never tried walking up a hill or mountain as quickly as you can, give it a go. If you do it right, you should be sweating like a pig in a sauna by the time you reach the top. Sometimes I like to try going faster and faster the higher I go. Vigorous hiking provides a great cardiovascular workout and there are other benefits. Apart from the fantastic views you get to soak up (when the tops aren't in cloud!), there's no dirty bike to clean when you get back.

So, why not ditch the push iron a couple of times this winter, pack some waterproofs, enormous sandwiches, cake and a flask of coffee, and hit the hills!

"But what about getting the winter miles in on the bike?!", I hear the die-hard roadies cry. Sure "base miles" are important for cycling fitness, particularly for those who race. But you can have too much of a good thing - it could be you're just training your body to go slow! My tip: cut the mileage a bit and increase the tempo. 30 miles at a lively pace is worth more than 50 plodding and you get back to eat your lunch quicker! Or, as suggested, pop on your best yodeling trousers this Sunday, leave the bike at home and head for the hills. Do something different now and again - it's good for the mind, body and soul.

A quick cycling food tip before I say farewell for now: nuts and raisins. I often take a handful in tin foil with me on rides. I favour walnuts, but any will do really. Mixed with raisins they give a great energy boost should you find yourself flagging. I wouldn't try to eat them on the move though!

Respect in da House!

DJ Pale Rider